Typical Food of Sambas
The food one is not a stranger among the people of west borneo be in the village of sambas, with a characteristic ingredient is in this food. The porridge spicy can now on, you get in pontianak, on the road swignyo with the name of the store had spicy Pa’ngah. So we don’t have far more to taste the food this one. The word "spicy" is the parable of the Sambas Malay, meaning various vegetables and spices in the porridge. How not in this porridge various kinds of vegetables such as kale, fern leaf, corn dipipil, potato, turmeric leaves and kesum leaves (this leaves only exist in West Borneo and is used to add the aroma in the porridge). To make this porridge, first rice finely ground and then dioseng. For marinade, onion, garlic, black pepper, and bay leaves are also finely ground. Add salt, sugar, lemongrass, bones and cow's tetelan which is then cooked in beef broth until cooked. Porridge Spicy comes with nuts and anchovies that were previously fried cooked...
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