About Me

My name is Fachrul Rozzi I am the youngest child of three siblings, I was born in West Borneo Pontianak city on 18 August 1999. My school history is SD Negri 16 south Pontianak, MTs Negri 2 Pontianak, SMA Negri 10 Pontianak, and now at Tanjugpura University (UNTAN) precisely in the Faculty of Economics and Business.

It was a photograph when I was 13 years old

My hobby is sport and I am one of the martial arts athletes, I learned pencak silat because I want to protect myself. and I've been in the pontianak city team for inter-regional competitions, even though I'm just a substitute for the main athlete and I'm happy with that achievement. injury? yes I am often injured in training as well as in the game, the most severe injuries I have ever experienced that my nose bleeds from an opponent's blow. the last time I attended pencak silat competition when I was in school and I only get bronze medal for the umpteenth time. my idol in martial arts is awalludin nur, he is the world champion in 2015 in Thailand besides Awaludin nur I also motivated also with Hanifan Yudani Kusuma, he champion PON Jabar 2016, 2016 world champion, silver in sea games 2017 and recently got silver in the arena of Korea open 2017.selain sports I also love to play games, online and offline games and I also often follow the game competition although never win hehe.

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