My name is Fachrul Rozzi I am the youngest child of three siblings, I was born in West Borneo Pontianak city on 18 August 1999. My school history is SD Negri 16 south Pontianak, MTs Negri 2 Pontianak, SMA Negri 10 Pontianak, and now at Tanjugpura University (UNTAN) precisely in the Faculty of Economics and Business. It was a photograph when I was 13 years old My hobby is sport and I am one of the martial arts athletes, I learned pencak silat because I want to protect myself. and I've been in the pontianak city team for inter-regional competitions, even though I'm just a substitute for the main athlete and I'm happy with that achievement. injury? yes I am often injured in training as well as in the game, the most severe injuries I have ever experienced that my nose bleeds from an opponent's blow. the last time I attended pencak silat competition when I was in school and I only get bronze medal for the umpteenth time. my idol in martial arts is awalludin nur, he...